Exonum Blockchain: Your Platform for Trust
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Document Verification
Document Verification

Secure storage, easy retrieval and protected access to government documents hinders efficient operations and increases costs for many governments. A blockchain-based system can serve as a verification clearinghouse for these documents by providing public and private proof of the veracity of a document or certification. A blockchain-based document verification system can also be used to issue digital certificates that are impossible to counterfeit. This helps eliminate reputational risks for an organization as well as improve trust and transparency by its stakeholders. Learn more about how an Exonum blockchain was used to verify and secure the educational records of more than 60,000 students attending Synergy University.

Issues Facing Document Verification:
    • Lack of transparency
    • No trusted centralized authority
    • Document falsification
    • Reputational risks
    • Cost inefficiencies
How Exonum Blockchain
Transforms Document Verification:
    • When a user presents a document, the Exonum blockchain protocol gives it a digital signature.
    • The digital signature copied to a public blockchain and stored in a private blockchain as well
    • Any user can verify the digital signature of a document, certifying its authenticity