Service Testing Tutorial

As blockchain technology is focused on security, a natural desire after creating an Exonum service is to test it. This tutorial shows how to accomplish this task with the help of the testkit library.


This document describes testing of Rust services. For Java instructions, please refer to the documentation.

Preparing for Testing

Recall that an Exonum service is typically packaged as a Rust crate. Correspondingly, service testing could be performed with the help of integration tests, in which the service is treated like a black or gray box. In the case of the cryptocurrency service, which we created in the previous tutorial, it would be natural to test how the service reacts to overcharges, transfers from or to the unknown wallet, transfers to self, and other scenarios which may work not as expected.

Exonum has a handy tool in its disposal to test services in this manner – the exonum-testkit crate. To use it, we need to add the following lines to the project’s Cargo.toml:

exonum-testkit = "1.0.0"

Testing Kinds

There are two major kinds of testing enabled by exonum-testkit:

  • Transaction logic testing treats the service as a gray box. It uses the service schema to read information from the storage, and executes transactions by sending them directly to the Rust API of the testkit. This allows for fine-grained testing focused on business logic of the service.
  • API testing treats the service as a black box, using its HTTP APIs to process transactions and read requests. A good idea is to use this kind of testing to verify the API-specific code.

In both cases, tests generally follow the same pattern:

  • Initialize the testkit
  • Introduce changes to the blockchain via transactions
  • Use the service schema or read requests to check that the changes are as expected

We cover both kinds of testing in separate sections below.

Testing Transaction Logic

Let’s create src/, a file which will contain the tests for transaction business logic. Since we have defined service schema as crate-private, we need to place the testing module within the service crate, rather than as an integration test.


We need to import the types we will use:

use exonum::{
    crypto::{KeyPair, PublicKey},
use exonum_merkledb::{access::Access, Snapshot};
use exonum_testkit::TestKit;

// Import data types used in tests from the crate where the service is defined.
use crate::{
    contracts::{CryptocurrencyInterface, CryptocurrencyService},
    schema::{CurrencySchema, Wallet},
    transactions::{CreateWallet, TxTransfer},

Declaring Constants

We also need to declare some constants we will use later:

// Alice's wallets name.
const ALICE_NAME: &str = "Alice";
// Bob's wallet name.
const BOB_NAME: &str = "Bob";
// Service instance id.
const INSTANCE_ID: u32 = 1010;
// Service instance name.
const INSTANCE_NAME: &str = "nnm-token";

Creating Test Network

To perform testing, we first need to create a network emulation – the eponymous TestKit. TestKit allows recreating behavior of a single full node (a validator or an auditor) in an imaginary Exonum blockchain network.


Unlike real Exonum nodes, the testkit does not actually start servers in order to process requests from external clients. Instead, transactions and read requests are processed synchronously, in the same process as the test code itself.

Since TestKit will be used by all tests, it is natural to move its constructor to a separate function:

fn init_testkit() -> TestKit {
        CryptocurrencyService, // service instance
        INSTANCE_NAME, // name of the instance
        INSTANCE_ID, // numerical ID of the instance
        (), // Initialization arguments (none)

That is, we create a network emulation, in which there is a single validator node, and a single CurrencyService. TestKit supports testing several services at once, as well as more complex network configurations, but this functionality is not needed in our case.

Other Helper Functions

We need a way to obtain the service schema from the testkit. The testkit allows to obtain a snapshot of the blockchain state, using which we construct the schema:

fn get_schema<'a>(
    snapshot: &'a dyn Snapshot,
) -> CurrencySchema<impl Access + 'a> {

Here, for_service method of the SnapshotExt extension trait provides access to the data of a specific service. Since we do not care about the exact access type, we use generic impl Access + 'a as the type parameter of the resulting schema.


Use of lifetime 'a indicates that the access type cannot outlive the snapshot it is created from.

Finally, we define getters to obtain wallet info from the blockchain state:

/// Returns the wallet identified by the given public key
/// or `None` if such a wallet doesn't exist.
fn try_get_wallet(
    testkit: &TestKit,
    pubkey: &PublicKey,
) -> Option<Wallet> {
    let snapshot = testkit.snapshot();
    let schema = get_schema(&snapshot);

/// Returns the wallet identified by the given public key.
fn get_wallet(testkit: &TestKit, pubkey: &PublicKey) -> Wallet {
    try_get_wallet(testkit, pubkey).expect("No wallet persisted")

Wallet Creation

Test: test_create_wallet

Our first test is very simple: we want to create a single wallet with the help of the corresponding transaction and make sure that the wallet is actually persisted by the blockchain.

fn test_create_wallet() {
    let mut testkit = init_testkit();
    let keypair = KeyPair::random();
    let tx = keypair.create_wallet(INSTANCE_ID, CreateWallet::new(ALICE_NAME));

    // Check that the user indeed is persisted by the service
    let wallet = get_wallet(&testkit, &;
    assert_eq!(, ALICE_NAME);
    assert_eq!(wallet.balance, 100);

Per Rust conventions, the test is implemented as a zero-argument function without a returned value and with a #[test] annotation. This function will be invoked during testing; if it does not panic, the test is considered passed.

We use one of create_block* methods defined by TestKit to send a transaction to the testkit node and create a block with it (and only it). Then, we use the service schema to check that the transaction has led to the expected changes in the storage.

Note that we call create_wallet method of the service interface directly on a generated keypair. This is enabled by the glue code generated by the exonum_interface proc macro; it effectively implements the interface for some stub types, including KeyPair. As a result of applying the method to the keypair, we get a transaction with the specified contents signed by the keypair.

To run the test, execute cargo test in the shell:

$ cargo test
# (Some output skipped)
running 1 test
test test_create_wallet ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

If we remove or comment out the create_block* call, the test will expectedly fail because the wallet is no longer created:

running 1 test
test test_create_wallet ... FAILED


---- test_create_wallet stdout ----
  thread 'test_create_wallet' panicked at 'No wallet persisted'

Successful Transfer

Test: test_transfer

Let’s test a transfer between two wallets. To do this, first, we need to initialize the TestKit. Then we need to create the wallets and transfer funds between them. As per the code of the Cryptocurrency Service, the wallets are created with the initial balance set to 100.

The mentioned three transactions will be included into the block:

let mut testkit = init_testkit();
let alice = KeyPair::random();
let bob = KeyPair::random();
    alice.create_wallet(INSTANCE_ID, CreateWallet::new(ALICE_NAME)),
    bob.create_wallet(INSTANCE_ID, CreateWallet::new(BOB_NAME)),
        TxTransfer {
            amount: 10,
            seed: 0,
            to: bob.public_key(),

Check that wallets are committed to the blockchain and have expected balances:

let alice_wallet = get_wallet(&testkit, &alice.public_key());
assert_eq!(alice_wallet.balance, 90);
let bob_wallet = get_wallet(&testkit, &bob.public_key());
assert_eq!(bob_wallet.balance, 110);

Transfer to Non-Existing Wallet

Test: test_transfer_to_nonexisting_wallet

Unlike in a real Exonum network, you can control which transactions the testkit will include into the next block. This allows testing different orderings of transactions, even those that would be hard (but not impossible) to reproduce in a real network.

Let’s test the case when Alice sends a transaction to Bob while Bob’s wallet is not committed. The test is quite similar to the previous one, with the exception of how the created transactions are placed into the block. Namely, the create_block_with_transactions call is replaced with

let mut testkit = init_testkit();
let alice = KeyPair::random();
let bob = KeyPair::random();
    alice.create_wallet(INSTANCE_ID, CreateWallet::new(ALICE_NAME)),
        TxTransfer {
            amount: 10,
            seed: 0,
            to: bob.public_key(),
    bob.create_wallet(INSTANCE_ID, CreateWallet::new(BOB_NAME)),

That is, although Bob’s wallet is created, this occurs after the transfer is executed.

We then check that Alice did not send her tokens to nowhere:

let alice_wallet = get_wallet(&testkit, &alice.public_key());
assert_eq!(alice_wallet.balance, 100);
let bob_wallet = get_wallet(&testkit, &bob.public_key());
assert_eq!(bob_wallet.balance, 100);

Testing API

API-focused tests are placed in a separate file, tests/ It is structurally similar to the transaction testing module we have considered previously (including tests), so we will concentrate on differences only.


Exonum provides a standalone component to submit transactions to the blockchain via HTTP: the explorer service. To add it to the testkit, we need to declare the corresponding crate (exonum-explorer-service) as a dev dependency of our crate, and use the following logic to initialize the testkit:

Method: create_testkit

let artifact = CryptocurrencyService.artifact_id();
let mut testkit = TestKitBuilder::validator()
    // Add the explorer service to the testkit
    // Add the tested service
        artifact.into_default_instance(INSTANCE_ID, INSTANCE_NAME)

API Wrapper

The testkit allows accessing service endpoints with the help of the TestKitApi struct. However, calls to TestKitApi may be overly verbose and prone to errors for practical purposes, as the struct does not know the type signatures of the endpoints of a specific service. To improve usability, let’s create a wrapper around TestKitApi with the wrapper’s methods corresponding to service endpoints:

struct CryptocurrencyApi {
    pub inner: TestKitApi,

impl CryptocurrencyApi {
    fn create_wallet(&self, name: &str) -> (Verified<AnyTx>, KeyPair) {
        // Code skipped...

    fn transfer(&self, tx: &Verified<AnyTx>) {
        // Code skipped...

    fn get_wallet(&self, pub_key: PublicKey) -> Wallet {
        // Code skipped...

create_wallet returns a keypair along with the created transaction because it may be needed to sign other transactions authorized by the wallet owner.

Inside, all wrapper methods invoke methods of the inner API instance; for example, get_wallet is implemented as:

fn get_wallet(&self, pub_key: PublicKey) -> Wallet {
        .query(&WalletQuery { pub_key })

That is, the method performs an HTTP GET request with the URL address corresponding to a service with the specified name and a v1/wallet path within the service API. When we created the service, we defined that invoking such a request would return information about a specific wallet.

Out of the three methods, only the get_wallet method uses the HTTP API of the cryptocurrency service. Both create_wallet and transfer use the transactions endpoint of the previously mentioned explorer service:

fn transfer(&self, tx: &Verified<AnyTx>) {
    let tx_info: serde_json::Value = self
        .public(ApiKind::Explorer) // Not `ApiKind::Service(_)`!
        .query(&json!({ "tx_body": tx }))
    assert_eq!(tx_info, json!({ "tx_hash": tx.object_hash() }));

Waiting for Errors

CryptocurrencyApi has a separate method to assert that there is no wallet with a specified public key:

fn assert_no_wallet(&self, pub_key: PublicKey) {
    let err = self
        .query(&WalletQuery { pub_key })

    assert_eq!(err.http_code, api::HttpStatusCode::NOT_FOUND);
    assert_eq!(err.body.title, "Wallet not found");
        format!("{}:{}", INSTANCE_ID, INSTANCE_NAME)

Note that this method uses the unwrap_err method instead of unwrap. While unwrap will panic if the returned value is erroneous, unwrap_err acts in the opposite way, panicking if the response does not contain an error.

Errors returned by Rust services conform to the data format defined in RFC 7807. This is reflected in the internal structure of err; it consists of an HTTP code and a body decoded from JSON according to the schema defined in the RFC.

Creating Blocks

While it is possible to send transactions via HTTP API, they are not automatically committed to the blockchain; they are only put to the pool of candidates for inclusion into future blocks. To fully process transactions, one needs to use create_block* methods, which we have used in the business logic tests.

As an example, the test_create_wallet variation for HTTP API testing is as follows:

let (mut testkit, api) = create_testkit();
// Create and send a transaction via API
let (tx, _) = api.create_wallet(ALICE_NAME);
api.assert_tx_status(tx.object_hash(), &json!({ "type": "success" }));

// Check that the user indeed is persisted by the service.
let wallet = api.get_wallet(;
assert_eq!(, ALICE_NAME);
assert_eq!(wallet.balance, 100);

Note that we call create_block after sending a transaction via HTTP API. The create_block method creates a block with all uncommitted transactions, which is just what we need.

For an example of more fine-grained control, consider the test for transferring tokens from a non-existing wallet:

Test: test_transfer_from_nonexisting_wallet

let (mut testkit, api) = create_testkit();
let (tx_alice, alice) = api.create_wallet(ALICE_NAME);
let (tx_bob, _) = api.create_wallet(BOB_NAME);
// Do not commit Alice's transaction, so Alice's wallet does not exist
// when a transfer occurs.

This code results in the testkit not committing Alice’s transaction, so Alice’s wallet does not exist when the transfer occurs later.

Exonum framework retains helpful information about the possible error cause, such the human-readable error description, a service-specific code and the identifier of the service / method in which the error has occurred:

let tx = alice.transfer(
    TxTransfer {
        amount: 10,
        seed: 0,

        "type": "service_error",
        "code": 1,
        // Description shortened for readability
        "description": "Sender doesn\'t exist.",
        "runtime_id": 0,
        "call_site": {
            "call_type": "method",
            "instance_id": INSTANCE_ID,
            "method_id": 1,

In the code above, assert_tx_status method uses an endpoint of the explorer service to get the execution status for a transaction specified by its hash.


Testing is arguably just as important in software development as coding, especially in typical blockchain applications. The testkit framework allows streamlining the testing process for Exonum services and testing both business logic and HTTP API.