Class Blockchain


public final class Blockchain
extends Object
Provides read-only access to the subset of blockchain::Schema features in the Core API: blocks, transaction messages, execution results.

All method arguments are non-null by default.

  • Method Details

    • newInstance

      public static Blockchain newInstance​(View view)
      Constructs a new blockchain instance for the given database view.
    • containsBlock

      public boolean containsBlock​(Block block)
      Returns true if the blockchain contains exactly the same block as the passed value; false if it does not contain such block. Please note that all block fields are compared, not only its hash.
      block - a value to check for presence in the blockchain
    • getHeight

      public long getHeight()
      Returns the blockchain height which is the height of the latest committed block in the blockchain. The block height is a distance between the last block and the "genesis", or initial, block. Therefore, the blockchain height is equal to the number of blocks plus one.

      For example, the "genesis" block has height h = 0. The latest committed block has height h = getBlockHashes().size() - 1.

      RuntimeException - if the "genesis block" was not created
    • getBlockHashes

      public ListIndex<HashCode> getBlockHashes()
      Returns a list of all block hashes, indexed by the block height. For example, the "genesis block" will be at index 0, the block at height h = 10 — at index 10. The last committed block will be at height h = getBlockHashes().size() - 1.
    • getBlockTransactions

      public ProofListIndexProxy<HashCode> getBlockTransactions​(long height)
      Returns a proof list of transaction hashes committed in the block at the given height.
      height - block height starting from 0
      IllegalArgumentException - if the height is invalid: negative or exceeding the blockchain height
    • getBlockTransactions

      public ProofListIndexProxy<HashCode> getBlockTransactions​(HashCode blockId)
      Returns a proof list of transaction hashes committed in the block with the given id.
      blockId - id of the block
      IllegalArgumentException - if there is no block with given id
    • getBlockTransactions

      public ProofListIndexProxy<HashCode> getBlockTransactions​(Block block)
      Returns a proof list of transaction hashes committed in the given block. The given block must match exactly the block that is stored in the database.
      block - block of which list of transaction hashes should be returned
      IllegalArgumentException - if there is no such block in the blockchain
    • getTxMessages

      public MapIndex<HashCode,​TransactionMessage> getTxMessages()
      Returns a map of transaction messages identified by their SHA-256 hashes. Both committed and in-pool (not yet processed) transactions are returned.
    • getTxResults

      Returns a map with a key-value pair of a transaction hash and execution result. Note that this is a proof map that uses non-hashed keys.
    • getTxResult

      public Optional<Runtime.ExecutionStatus> getTxResult​(HashCode messageHash)
      Returns a transaction execution result for given message hash.
      a transaction execution result, or Optional.empty() if this transaction is unknown or was not yet executed
    • getTxLocations

      public MapIndex<HashCode,​TransactionLocation> getTxLocations()
      Returns a map that keeps the transaction position inside the blockchain for every transaction hash.
    • getTxLocation

      public Optional<TransactionLocation> getTxLocation​(HashCode messageHash)
      Returns transaction position inside the blockchain for given message hash.
      a transaction execution result, or Optional.empty() if this transaction is unknown or was not yet executed
    • getBlocks

      public MapIndex<HashCode,​Block> getBlocks()
      Returns a map that stores a block object for every block hash.
    • getBlock

      public Block getBlock​(long height)
      Returns the block at the given height.
      height - the height of the block; must be non-negative and less than or equal to the current blockchain height
      a block at the height
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the height is not valid
    • findBlock

      public Optional<Block> findBlock​(HashCode blockHash)
      Returns a block object for given block hash.
      a corresponding block, or Optional.empty() if there is no block with given block hash
    • getLastBlock

      public Block getLastBlock()
      Returns the latest committed block.
      RuntimeException - if the "genesis block" was not created
    • getConsensusConfiguration

      public Blockchain.Config getConsensusConfiguration()
      Returns the current consensus configuration of the network.
      IllegalStateException - if the "genesis block" was not created
      See Also:
      Exonum configuration for consensus configuration information.
    • getTransactionPool

      public KeySetIndexProxy<HashCode> getTransactionPool()
      Returns a set of uncommitted (in-pool) transaction hashes; empty in case of no transactions. Note that this pool represents the state as of the current snapshot, and its state is volatile even between block commits.
      See Also:
      Pool of Unconfirmed Transactions