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AbstractKey - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.crypto
Represent either a private or public key in a digital signature system.
accept(ListProofVisitor) - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofBranch
accept(ListProofVisitor) - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofElement
accept(ListProofVisitor) - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofHashNode
accept(ListProofVisitor) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofNode
Applies the visitor to this proof node.
asBytes() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
Returns the value of this hash code as a byte array.
asInt() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
Returns the first four bytes of this hashcode's bytes, converted to an int value in little-endian order.
asLong() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
Returns the first eight bytes of this hashcode's bytes, converted to a long value in little-endian order.
asOutputStream(PrimitiveSink) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnels
Wraps a PrimitiveSink as an OutputStream, so it is easy to funnel an object to a PrimitiveSink if there is already a way to write the contents of the object to an OutputStream.


BinaryMessage - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.message
A binary Exonum message.
BinaryMessageBuilder - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.message
A builder of binary Exonum messages.
bits() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
Returns the number of bits in this hash code; a positive multiple of 8.
bits() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashFunction
Returns the number of bits (a multiple of 32) that each hash code produced by this hash function has.
BODY_OFFSET - Static variable in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
bool() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of booleans.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message.Builder
buildRaw() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message.Builder
byteArrayFunnel() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel that extracts the bytes from a byte array.
bytes() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of byte arrays, which passes them as is.


check() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.UncheckedListProof
Checks that a proof has either correct or incorrect structure and returns a CheckedListProof.
check() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.UncheckedListProofAdapter
check() - Method in class
check() - Method in interface
Checks that a proof has either correct or incorrect structure and returns a CheckedMapProof.
CheckedFlatMapProof - Class in
A checked flat map proof, which does not include any intermediate nodes.
CheckedListProof<E> - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list
A proof that some elements exist in a proof list.
CheckedListProofImpl<E> - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list
A checked list proof includes list proof verification results.
CheckedListProofImpl(HashCode, NavigableMap<Long, E>, ListProofStatus) - Constructor for class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.CheckedListProofImpl
Creates checked list proof.
CheckedMapProof - Interface in
A checked map proof.
CheckedProof - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs
A checked proof is a result of proof verification operation.
CheckingSerializerDecorator<T> - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.serialization
A serializer decorator, that performs some extra checks to ensure that a user-supplied serializer adheres to Serializer contract.
code - Variable in enum
Branch type code, used as the first byte in a raw database key.
com.exonum.binding.common.crypto - package com.exonum.binding.common.crypto
com.exonum.binding.common.hash - package com.exonum.binding.common.hash
Hash functions and related structures.
com.exonum.binding.common.message - package com.exonum.binding.common.message
com.exonum.binding.common.proofs - package com.exonum.binding.common.proofs
com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list - package com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list - package
com.exonum.binding.common.serialization - package com.exonum.binding.common.serialization
commonPrefix(DbKey) - Method in class
Returns new branch DbKey (unless common prefix of two equals DbKeys is requested, in which case this DbKey itself is returned), which is a common prefix of this and another DbKey.
compareTo(DbKey) - Method in class
The following algorithm is used for comparison: Try to find a first bit index at which this key is greater than the other key (i.e., a bit of this key is 1 and the corresponding bit of the other key is 0), and vice versa.
containsKey(ByteString) - Method in class
containsKey(ByteString) - Method in interface
If this proof is valid, returns true if there is a given key in the proof; false — if there is no such key.
correct(HashCode, Set<MapEntry>, Set<ByteString>) - Static method in class
Creates a valid map proof.
createKeyPair(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.KeyPair
Creates a KeyPair from two byte arrays, representing privateKey and publicKey.
CryptoFunction - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.crypto
A crypto function that provides several signature system crypto methods.
CryptoFunctions - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.crypto
A collection of public-key signature system crypto functions.
CryptoFunctions.Ed25519 - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.crypto


DB_KEY_SIZE - Static variable in class
Size of the database key in bytes.
DbKey - Class in
A map proof database key.
DbKey.Type - Enum in
Type of the node in a Merkle-Patricia tree.
DbKeyFunnel - Enum in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs
A funnel for a database key.
dbKeyFunnel() - Static method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.DbKeyFunnel
DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE_BITS - Static variable in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hashing
Size of a hash code in the default Exonum algorithm, in bits.
DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE_BYTES - Static variable in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hashing
Size of a hash code in the default Exonum algorithm.
defaultHashFunction() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hashing
Returns the default Exonum hash function: SHA-256.
doubles() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of doubles in little-endian byte order.


ed25519() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.CryptoFunctions
Returns a ED25519 public-key signature system crypto function.
Ed25519() - Constructor for class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.CryptoFunctions.Ed25519
Ed25519CryptoFunction - Enum in com.exonum.binding.common.crypto
A ED25519 public-key signature system crypto function.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.AbstractKey
equals(Object) - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
Returns true if object is a HashCode instance with the identical byte representation to this hash code.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
Checks if this key bit set is equal to the specified object.
equals(Object) - Method in class


fixed32() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of integers as four bytes in little-endian byte order.
fixed64() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of longs as eight bytes in little-endian byte order.
floats() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of floats in little-endian byte order.
from(Serializer<T>) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.CheckingSerializerDecorator
Creates a checking serializer decorator.
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.PrivateKey
Creates a PrivateKey from a byte array.
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.PublicKey
Creates a PublicKey from a byte array.
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
Creates a HashCode from a byte array.
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.BinaryMessage
Creates a binary message from a byte array.
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class
Creates a database key.
fromBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.CheckingSerializerDecorator
fromBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.Serializer
De-serializes a value from a given byte array.
fromHexString(String) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.PrivateKey
Creates a PrivateKey from a hexadecimal string.
fromHexString(String) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.PublicKey
Creates a PublicKey from a hexadecimal string.
fromInt(int) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
Creates a 32-bit HashCode representation of the given int value.
fromLong(long) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
Creates a 64-bit HashCode representation of the given long value.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
Creates a HashCode from a hexadecimal (base 16) encoded string.
Funnel<T> - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.hash
An object which can send data from an object of type T into a PrimitiveSink.
funnel(T, PrimitiveSink) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnel
Sends a stream of data from the from object into the sink into.
funnel(HashCode, PrimitiveSink) - Method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnels.HashCodeFunnel
funnel(DbKey, PrimitiveSink) - Method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.DbKeyFunnel
funnel() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofElement
Funnels - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.hash
Funnels for common types.
Funnels.HashCodeFunnel - Enum in com.exonum.binding.common.hash
HashCode funnel.


generateKeyPair(byte[]) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.CryptoFunction
Generates a private key and a corresponding public key using a seed byte array.
generateKeyPair() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.CryptoFunction
Generates a private key and a corresponding public key using a random seed.
generateKeyPair(byte[]) - Method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.Ed25519CryptoFunction
generateKeyPair() - Method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.Ed25519CryptoFunction
get(ByteString) - Method in class
get(ByteString) - Method in interface
If this proof is valid, returns the value corresponding to the specified key or null if there is no such key in the proof.
getBody() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
Returns the message body.
getBody() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.MessageReader
Returns the body of the message as a view in the underlying byte buffer.
getDbKey() - Method in class
Returns a database key of this node.
getDescription() - Method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofStatus
getDescription() - Method in enum
getDescription() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.ProofStatus
Returns the description of the proof verification result.
getElement() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofElement
Returns the value of the element.
getElements() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.CheckedListProof
Get all list elements.
getElements() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.CheckedListProofImpl
getEntries() - Method in class
getEntries() - Method in interface
Get all leaf entries of this proof.
getHash() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofHashNode
Returns the hash value.
getHash() - Method in class
Returns a hash of the corresponding proof map tree node.
getKey() - Method in class
Returns the key in this entry.
getKeyBits() - Method in class
getKeySlice() - Method in class
Returns the key slice.
getLeft() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofBranch
Returns the left child in the proof tree.
getLength() - Method in class
getMessageNoSignature() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.BinaryMessage
Returns a message without signature, i.e., without the last 64 bytes of the binary message.
getMessageType() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
Returns the type of this message within a service (e.g., a transaction identifier).
getMessageType() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.MessageReader
getMissingKeys() - Method in class
getMissingKeys() - Method in interface
Get all keys that were requested, but did not appear in this proof.
getNetworkId() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
Returns the blockchain network id.
getNetworkId() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.MessageReader
getNodeType() - Method in class
Returns the type of the Merkle-Patricia tree node corresponding to this database key.
getNumSignificantBits() - Method in class
Returns the number of significant bits in the key slice.
getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.KeyPair
Returns a private key of this pair.
getProofStatus() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.CheckedProof
Returns a status of proof verification.
getProofStatus() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.CheckedListProof
Returns the status of this proof: whether it is structurally valid.
getProofStatus() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.CheckedListProofImpl
getProofStatus() - Method in class
getProofStatus() - Method in interface
Returns the status of this proof: whether it is structurally valid.
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.KeyPair
Returns a public key of this pair.
getRawDbKey() - Method in class
getRight() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofBranch
Returns the right child in the proof tree.
getRootHash() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.CheckedProof
Returns the calculated root hash of the proof.
getRootHash() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.CheckedListProofImpl
getRootHash() - Method in class
getRootProofNode() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.UncheckedListProof
Returns raw source proof of this UncheckedListProof.
getRootProofNode() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.UncheckedListProofAdapter
getServiceId() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
Returns the identifier of the service this message belongs to, or zero if this message is an internal Exonum message.
getServiceId() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.MessageReader
getSignature() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
Returns the Ed25519 signature over this binary message.
getSignature() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.MessageReader
Returns the Ed25519 signature over this binary message.
getSignedMessage() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.BinaryMessage
Returns the whole binary message.
getSignedMessage() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.MessageReader
Returns the whole binary message.
getValue() - Method in class
Returns the value in this entry.
getVersion() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
Returns the major version of the Exonum serialization protocol.
getVersion() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.MessageReader


hash() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
Computes a hash code based on the data that have been provided to this hasher.
hash() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.BinaryMessage
Returns the SHA-256 hash of this message.
hash() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of hash codes.
hashBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putBytes(input).hash().
hashBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putBytes(input, off, len).hash().
hashBytes(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putBytes(input).hash().
hashByteString(ByteString) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putBytes(input.toByteArray()).hash().
hashCode() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.AbstractKey
HashCode - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.hash
An immutable hash code of arbitrary bit length.
hashCode() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
Returns a "Java hash code" for this HashCode instance; this is well-defined (so, for example, you can safely put HashCode instances into a HashSet) but is otherwise probably not what you want to use.
hashCode() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
This returns Object.hashCode(); you almost certainly mean to call hash().asInt().
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCodeFunnel() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel for hashcode.
Hasher - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.hash
A PrimitiveSink that can compute a hash code after reading the input.
HashFunction - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.hash
A hash function is a collision-averse pure function that maps an arbitrary block of data to a number called a hash code.
Hashing - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.hash
Static methods to obtain HashFunction instances, and other static hashing-related utilities.
hashInt(int) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putInt(input).hash(); returns the hash code for the given int value, interpreted in little-endian byte order.
hashLong(long) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putLong(input).hash(); returns the hash code for the given long value, interpreted in little-endian byte order.
hashObject(T, Funnel<? super T>) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putObject(instance, funnel).hash().
hashString(CharSequence, Charset) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putString(input, charset).hash().
hashUnencodedChars(CharSequence) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashFunction
Shortcut for newHasher().putUnencodedChars(input).hash().
HEADER_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message


integerFunnel() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel for integers.
invalid(MapProofStatus) - Static method in class
Creates an invalid map proof.
isPrefixOf(DbKey) - Method in class
Returns true if this DbKey is a prefix of that DbKey.
isValid() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.CheckedProof
Returns true if proof status is valid, false otherwise.
isValid() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.CheckedListProofImpl
isValid() - Method in class


KEY_SIZE - Static variable in class
Size of the user key in bytes.
KEY_SIZE_BITS - Static variable in class
Size of the user key in bits.
keyBits() - Method in class
Returns a key as a bit set.
KeyBitSet - Class in
A key bit set.
KeyBitSet(byte[], int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new bit set.
KeyPair - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.crypto
A key pair class that stores public and private keys.


ListProofBranch - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list
Represents a branch node of a ListProofNode.
ListProofBranch(ListProofNode, ListProofNode) - Constructor for class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofBranch
ListProofElement - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list
Represents an element of a proof list: a leaf node in a list proof tree.
ListProofElement(ByteString) - Constructor for class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofElement
Creates a new ListProofElement.
ListProofHashNode - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list
Represents a hash of a Merkle sub-tree: a leaf node in proof trees.
ListProofHashNode(HashCode) - Constructor for class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofHashNode
ListProofNode - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list
Represents a proof that some elements exist in a ProofList at certain positions.
ListProofStatus - Enum in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list
Possible statuses of a checked list proof.
ListProofVisitor - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list
longFunnel() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel for longs.


MapEntry - Class in
A map entry: a key-value pair.
MapEntry(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a new entry in a flat map proof corresponding to a leaf node.
MapEntry(ByteString, ByteString) - Constructor for class
Creates a new entry in a flat map proof corresponding to a leaf node.
MapProofEntry - Class in
A flat map proof entry corresponding to either a branch node or a leaf node with computed hash in a map tree.
MapProofStatus - Enum in
Possible statuses of a checked map proof.
MAX_BODY_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
Message - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.message
An Exonum network message.
Message.Builder - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.message
MESSAGE_TYPE_OFFSET - Static variable in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
MessageReader - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.message
A reader of binary Exonum messages.
messageSize(int) - Static method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
Calculates the message size given the size of the body.


NET_ID_OFFSET - Static variable in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
newBranchKey(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Creates a new branch database key.
newHasher() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashFunction
Begins a new hash code computation by returning an initialized, stateful Hasher instance that is ready to receive data.
newHasher(int) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashFunction
Begins a new hash code computation as HashFunction.newHasher(), but provides a hint of the expected size of the input (in bytes).
newLeafKey(ByteString) - Static method in class
Given key as a ByteString, returns new leaf DbKey.
newLeafKey(byte[]) - Static method in class
Given key as a byte array, returns new leaf DbKey.


padToLong() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
If this hashcode has enough bits, returns asLong(), otherwise returns a long value with asBytes() as the least-significant bytes and 0x00 as the remaining most-significant bytes.
PAYLOAD_LENGTH_OFFSET - Static variable in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
PrimitiveSink - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.hash
An object which can receive a stream of primitive values.
PRIVATE_KEY_BYTES - Static variable in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.CryptoFunctions.Ed25519
PrivateKey - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.crypto
Represent a private key in a digital signature system.
privateKey() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of private keys.
ProofStatus - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs
A status of collection proof verification.
protobuf(Class<MessageT>) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer for the given protocol buffer message type.
PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES - Static variable in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.CryptoFunctions.Ed25519
PublicKey - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.crypto
Represent a public key in a digital signature system.
publicKey() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of public keys.
putBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
Equivalent to putByte(b ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0).
putBoolean(boolean) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a boolean into this sink.
putByte(byte) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
putByte(byte) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a byte into this sink.
putBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
putBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
putBytes(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
putBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts an array of bytes into this sink.
putBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a chunk of an array of bytes into this sink.
putBytes(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts the remaining bytes of a byte buffer into this sink.
putChar(char) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
putChar(char) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a character into this sink.
putDouble(double) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
Equivalent to putLong(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d)).
putDouble(double) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a double into this sink.
putFloat(float) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
Equivalent to putInt(Float.floatToRawIntBits(f)).
putFloat(float) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a float into this sink.
putInt(int) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
putInt(int) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts an int into this sink.
putLong(long) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
putLong(long) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a long into this sink.
putObject(T, Funnel<? super T>) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
A simple convenience for funnel.funnel(object, this).
putShort(short) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
putShort(short) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a short into this sink.
putString(CharSequence, Charset) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
Equivalent to putBytes(charSequence.toString().getBytes(charset)).
putString(CharSequence, Charset) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts a string into this sink using the given charset.
putUnencodedChars(CharSequence) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hasher
Equivalent to processing each char value in the CharSequence, in order.
putUnencodedChars(CharSequence) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.hash.PrimitiveSink
Puts each 16-bit code unit from the CharSequence into this sink.


SEED_BYTES - Static variable in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.CryptoFunctions.Ed25519
sequentialFunnel(Funnel<E>) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel that processes an Iterable by funneling its elements in iteration order with the specified funnel.
Serializer<T> - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.serialization
Converts Java objects into a binary representation in some format, and vice versa.
SERVICE_ID_OFFSET - Static variable in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
setBody(byte[]) - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message.Builder
Sets the message body.
setBody(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message.Builder
setSignature(byte[]) - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message.Builder
sha256() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the SHA-256 algorithm (256 hash bits).
sha384() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the SHA-384 algorithm (384 hash bits).
sha512() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Hashing
Returns a hash function implementing the SHA-512 algorithm (512 hash bits).
sign(CryptoFunction, PrivateKey) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.BinaryMessage
Signs this message, creating a new signed binary message.
SIGNATURE_BYTES - Static variable in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.CryptoFunctions.Ed25519
SIGNATURE_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
signatureOffset() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
Returns the signature offset in this message.
signMessage(byte[], PrivateKey) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.CryptoFunction
Given a privateKey, computes and returns a signature for the supplied message.
signMessage(byte[], PrivateKey) - Method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.Ed25519CryptoFunction
sint32() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of signed integers using variable length encoding.
sint64() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of signed longs using variable length encoding.
size() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.AbstractKey
Returns the length of this key.
size() - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
Returns the size of a binary representation of this message in bytes.
size() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.MessageReader
StandardSerializers - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.serialization
A collection of pre-defined serializers.
string() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of strings in UTF-8.
stringFunnel(Charset) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel that encodes the characters of a CharSequence with the specified Charset.


toBinary(Message) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.BinaryMessageBuilder
Creates a binary message from a given message.
toBytes() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.AbstractKey
Returns the value of this key as a byte array.
toBytes(T) - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.CheckingSerializerDecorator
toBytes(T) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.Serializer
Serializes a given value into a byte array.
toString() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.AbstractKey
toString() - Method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnels.HashCodeFunnel
toString() - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
Returns a string containing each byte of HashCode.asBytes(), in order, as a two-digit unsigned hexadecimal number in lower case.
toString() - Method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofStatus
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in enum


uint32() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of unsigned integers using variable length encoding.
uint64() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.serialization.StandardSerializers
Returns a serializer of unsigned longs using variable length encoding.
UncheckedFlatMapProof - Class in
An unchecked flat map proof, which does not include any intermediate nodes.
UncheckedListProof - Interface in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list
A proof that some elements exist in a proof list.
UncheckedListProofAdapter<E> - Class in com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list
An Adapter class used to simplify work with ListProof interfaces.
UncheckedListProofAdapter(ListProofNode, Serializer<E>) - Constructor for class com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.UncheckedListProofAdapter
Creates UncheckedListProofAdapter for convenient usage of ListProof interfaces.
UncheckedMapProof - Interface in
An unchecked map proof.
unencodedCharsFunnel() - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnels
Returns a funnel that extracts the characters from a CharSequence, a character at a time, without performing any encoding.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.Ed25519CryptoFunction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnels.HashCodeFunnel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.DbKeyFunnel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.Ed25519CryptoFunction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.hash.Funnels.HashCodeFunnel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.DbKeyFunnel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verify(byte[], byte[], PublicKey) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.CryptoFunction
Given a publicKey, verifies that signature is a valid signature for the supplied message.
verify(byte[], byte[], PublicKey) - Method in enum com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.Ed25519CryptoFunction
verify(CryptoFunction, PublicKey) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.BinaryMessage
Verifies the cryptographic signature against the given public key.
VERSION_OFFSET - Static variable in interface com.exonum.binding.common.message.Message
visit(ListProofBranch) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofVisitor
visit(ListProofHashNode) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofVisitor
visit(ListProofElement) - Method in interface com.exonum.binding.common.proofs.list.ListProofVisitor


wrap(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.exonum.binding.common.message.MessageReader
Creates a MessageReader from the given byte buffer.
writeBytesTo(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode
Copies bytes from this hash code into dest.
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