Class ServiceRuntime

  • public final class ServiceRuntime
    extends Object
    A service runtime. It manages the services required for operation of Exonum services (e.g., a Server; allows the native code to load and unload artifacts (JAR archives with Exonum services), create and stop services defined in the loaded artifacts.

    This class is thread-safe and does not support client-side locking. The thread-safety is provided because the class is a singleton and may be provided to other objects. Currently, however, there is a single injection point where ServiceRuntime is instantiated (during bootstrap) and it is used by the native runtime only in a single-threaded context, hence thread-safety isn't strictly required, but rather provided to avoid possible errors if it is ever accessed by other objects.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ServiceRuntime

        public ServiceRuntime​( frameworkInjector,
                              com.exonum.binding.runtime.ServiceLoader serviceLoader,
                              Server server,
                              int serverPort)
        Creates a new runtime with the given framework injector. Starts the server on instantiation; never stops it.
        frameworkInjector - the injector that has been configured with the Exonum framework bindings. It serves as a parent for service injectors
        serviceLoader - a loader of service artifacts
        server - a web server providing transport to Java services
        serverPort - a port for the web server providing transport to Java services
    • Method Detail

      • loadArtifact

        public String loadArtifact​(String serviceArtifactPath)
                            throws ServiceLoadingException
        Loads an artifact from the specified location. The loading involves verification of the artifact (i.e., that it is a valid Exonum service; includes a valid service factory).
        serviceArtifactPath - a filesystem path from which to load the service artifact
        a unique service artifact identifier that must be specified in subsequent operations with it
        ServiceLoadingException - if it failed to load an artifact; or if the given artifact is already loaded
      • createService

        public UserServiceAdapter createService​(String artifactId)
        Creates a new service instance of the given type.
        artifactId - a unique identifier of the loaded artifact
        a new service
        IllegalArgumentException - if the artifactId is unknown
        RuntimeException - if it failed to instantiate the service