Class NodeProxy

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      NodeProxy​(long nativeHandle)
      Creates a proxy of a node.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void disposeInternal()
      Releases any resources owned by this proxy (e.g., the corresponding native object).
      com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.PublicKey getPublicKey()
      Returns the service public key of this node.
      com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode submitTransaction​(RawTransaction rawTransaction)
      Creates a transaction from the given parameters, signs it with the node service key, and then submits it into Exonum network.
      <ResultT> ResultT withSnapshot​(java.util.function.Function<Snapshot,​ResultT> snapshotFunction)
      Performs a given function with a snapshot of the current database state.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • NodeProxy

        public NodeProxy​(long nativeHandle)
        Creates a proxy of a node. Native code owns the node, and, therefore, shall destroy the object.
        nativeHandle - an implementation-specific reference to a native node
    • Method Detail

      • submitTransaction

        public com.exonum.binding.common.hash.HashCode submitTransaction​(RawTransaction rawTransaction)
                                                                  throws InternalServerError
        Creates a transaction from the given parameters, signs it with the node service key, and then submits it into Exonum network. This node does not execute the transaction immediately, but broadcasts it to all the nodes in the network. Then each node verifies the transaction and, if it is correct, adds it to the pool of unconfirmed transactions. The transaction is executed later asynchronously.

        Incorrect transactions (e.g., the payload of which cannot be deserialized by the target service, or which have unknown message id) are rejected by the network.

        Be aware that each node has its own service key pair, therefore invocations of this method on different nodes will produce different transactions.

        Specified by:
        submitTransaction in interface Node
        rawTransaction - transaction parameters to include in transaction message
        hash of the transaction message created by the framework
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the node proxy is closed
        InternalServerError - if this node failed to process the transaction
        See Also:
      • withSnapshot

        public <ResultT> ResultT withSnapshot​(java.util.function.Function<Snapshot,​ResultT> snapshotFunction)
        Performs a given function with a snapshot of the current database state.
        Specified by:
        withSnapshot in interface Node
        Type Parameters:
        ResultT - a type the function returns
        snapshotFunction - a function to execute
        the result of applying the given function to the database state
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the node proxy is closed
      • getPublicKey

        public com.exonum.binding.common.crypto.PublicKey getPublicKey()
        Returns the service public key of this node. The corresponding private key is used for signing transactions in Node.submitTransaction(RawTransaction).

        This key is stored under "service_public_key" key in the node configuration file.

        Specified by:
        getPublicKey in interface Node
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the node proxy is closed