
Services are the main extension point for the Exonum framework. By itself, Exonum provides building blocks for creating blockchains; it does not come with any concrete transaction processing rules. This is where services come into play. If you want to create an instance of the Exonum blockchain, services are the way to go.


Like smart contracts in some other blockchain platforms, Exonum services encapsulate business logic of the blockchain application.

  • A service specifies the rules of transaction processing, namely, how transactions influence the state of the service
  • The state transformed by transactions is persisted as a part of the overall blockchain key-value storage
  • A service may also allow external clients to read the relevant data from the blockchain state using auxiliary APIs (for example, REST API).

Each service has an interface for communication with the external world – essentially, a set of methods – and the implementation of said interface. The implementation may read and write data from the blockchain state (usually using the schema helper for the underlying key-value storage in order to simplify data management).

Services are executed on each validator and each auditing node of the blockchain network. The order of transaction processing and the resulting changes to the service state are a part of the consensus algorithm. They are guaranteed to be the same for all nodes in the blockchain network.


When developing a service, you should keep in mind that calls to service methods must produce an identical result on all nodes in the network given the same blockchain state. If the call results differ, the consensus algorithm may stall, or an audit of the blockchain by auditing nodes may fail.

During blockchain operation, services may be instantiated, stopped, frozen, resumed, and migrated to a newer version (which may include asynchronous data migration). These lifecycle events are managed by the core, but controlled by the supervisor service. In the reference supervisor implementation, the lifecycle events are authorized by the administrators of the blockchain nodes.


See Service Lifecycle for more details.


Services are created from the artifacts. Artifacts are similar to classes in object-oriented programming while services are similar to objects. A single artifact may be used to instantiate zero or more services.

An artifact is identified by a name and a semantic version. Like services, artifacts are attached to a runtime, and their lifecycle events are controlled via the supervisor.


Services and artifacts are encapsulated in runtimes. Runtime provides a single interface for the core to interact with. A runtime provides to the core service logic by executing it in a certain environment.

Out of the box, Exonum provides two runtimes:

  • The Rust runtime allows to implement services in Rust. These services are good for high-performance apps, but the runtime has some limitations. New artifacts may be added only by recompiling the node binary, and this process requires coordination among all nodes in the network. Additionally, service execution is not isolated from the framework core (except via API design), meaning that using unsafe code, it is possible to crash the node, steal secrets or otherwise break invariants regarding blockchain operation.
  • The Java runtime uses JVM to containerize services. Unlike with Rust, Java artifacts may be deployed during blockchain operation. On the downside, Java services are slower than their Rust counterparts.

Service Interface

In order to communicate with external entities, services may employ various kinds of interfaces. The core defines a single service interface for communication with the external clients: transactions. The core also defines and calls service hooks corresponding to different events in service lifecycle.

Besides core-provided interfaces, a runtime may define service interfaces of its own. For example, both Rust and Java services may define HTTP APIs, despite the core knowing nothing about this kind of interface.


See Service Interaction for details how services may interact with each other within a single blockchain.


Each service has two identifiers:

  • The numerical ID is a 4-byte unsigned integer that is encoded into transactions to provide information about the service handling the transaction.
  • The string ID aka service name is a UTF-8 string used in storage namespaces (for example, all indexes defined by the token service are located in the token namespace). This ID is also used in runtime-specific interfaces; both Rust and Java runtimes use the string ID to group service endpoints.

The identifiers are set during service instantiation. Depending on the supervisor implementation, service identifiers may be set by the blockchain maintainers or set automatically by the supervisor service. The framework guarantees that the identifiers of all services on a blockchain are unique.


Transactions come from the entities external to the blockchain, e.g., light clients. Generally speaking, a transaction modifies the blockchain state if the transaction is considered “correct”. All transactions are recorded in the blockchain as a part of the transaction log. As the name implies, transactions are atomic; they are deterministically ordered and are executed in the same way on all nodes.

In the terms of REST services, transactions correspond to POST and PUT HTTP methods. Transactions are asynchronous in the sense that a transaction author is not given an immediate response as to the result of the transaction. Indeed, this is impossible because of how consensus works in blockchains; a transaction is not included in the blockchain immediately, but rather bundled with other transactions in a block.


Currency transfer is a classic example of a blockchain transaction. The transaction contains the fields corresponding to the sender’s and recipient’s public keys, the amount of transferred funds and the digital signature created by the sender’s private key. See the Cryptocurrency Tutorial for more details.


A service may react to the following events of its lifecycle:

  • Service initialization
  • Service being resumed from the frozen or stopped state.

Both these events accept service-specific arguments, which can be used for service (re-)configuration. The service can signal an error during instantiation or resuming; this means that the requested state transition is impossible, for example, due to failing constraints. In this case, the transition will not be performed.

A service also receives notifications before any transactions in every block are processed and after all transactions in it are processed. All these service handlers may modify the blockchain state.

Depending on the runtime implementation, a service may also receive a notification after each block has been committed.

Read Requests

Read requests, or simply reads, are analogous to constant methods in C++ or GET requests in the REST paradigm. They cannot modify the blockchain state and are not recorded in the blockchain. Unlike transactions, reads are not a part of the consensus algorithm; they are processed locally by the node that received the request.

The core does not presently provide a unified mechanism for read requests accessible to external clients. However, both Rust and Java runtime provide such a mechanism via HTTP API. Internal clients (that is, other services) may read service state via a public part of its schema.

One of distinguishing features of the Exonum framework is that it provides a rich set of tools to bundle responses to reads with cryptographic proofs. Proofs allow light clients to minimize their trust to the responding node. Essentially, a retrieved response is as secure as if the client queried a supermajority of blockchain validators.


In cryptographic terms, a proof opens a commitment to data in the blockchain, where the commitment is stored in the block header in the form of a state hash. The use of Merkle trees and Merkle Patricia trees allows to make proofs compact enough to be processed by light clients.


Retrieving information on a particular wallet (e.g., the current wallet balance) is implemented as a read request in the cryptocurrency tutorial.

Private API

The Rust runtime provides services with another interface – private HTTP API. This API is hosted on a separate web server, which can be configured to be inaccessible to the external world. Private API can be used for administrative tasks.


The supervisor uses private API to generate and broadcast service transactions logically authorized by node administrators.

Data Migrations

The goal of a data migration is to prepare data of an Exonum service for use with an updated version of the service business logic. In this sense, migrations fulfil the same role as migrations in traditional database management systems.

Migrations are performed via migration scripts. A script takes data of a service and uses the MerkleDB tools to transform it to a new version. Migration is non-destructive, i.e., does not remove the old versions of migrated indexes. Instead, new indexes are created in a separate namespace, and atomically replace the old data when the migration is flushed.

The problems solved by the migration workflow are:

  • Allowing for migration to be performed in background, while the node continues to process transactions and other requests.
  • Ensuring that migrations finish at finite time (i.e., at some blockchain height).
  • Allowing concurrent migrations for different services.
  • Ensuring that all nodes in the network have arrived at the same data after migration is completed.

Similar to other service lifecycle events, data migrations are managed by the core logic, but are controlled by the supervisor service.

Implementation Details

Service Data

Usually, a service needs to persist some data. For example, the sample cryptocurrency service persists account balances, which are changed by transfer and issuance transactions.

Exonum persists blockchain state in a global key-value storage implemented with RocksDB. Each service needs to define a set of data collections (indexes), in which the service persists the service-specific data; these indexes abstract away the need for the service to deal with the blockchain key-value storage directly. The built-in collections supported by Exonum are maps (MapIndex), sets (ValueSetIndex, KeySetIndex) and lists (ListIndex).

Exonum also provides helpers for merkelizing data collections, i.e., making it possible to efficiently compute proofs for read requests that involve the items of the collection. Merkelized versions of maps and lists are ProofMapIndex and ProofListIndex, respectively.

Naturally, the items of collections (and keys, in case of maps) need to be serializable. Exonum uses Protobuf for (de)serialization and conversion of Exonum datatypes to JSON for communication with light clients.

Fault Tolerance in Migration Scripts

Migration scripts may be terminated at any time, simply because a node executing the script may be stopped by the admin or crash because of unrelated reasons. It is important to ensure that migration scripts are fault-tolerant under these conditions, that is, if a node is restarted and the script is resumed, it still arrives at a correct outcome.

The simplest way to ensure fault tolerance is to never merge changes to the database within the script. In this case, the script will either complete and the changes will be merged atomically by the core, or the script will just restart from scratch after failure. This approach, however, may lead to out-of-memory errors for large migrations.

To handle more advanced cases, MerkleDB provides tools to contract the number of initial states for the script, such as persistent iterators. A persistent iterator is an iterator over a MerkleDB index with the position stored in the database. A typical pattern involving persistent iterators is to process elements in the index in chunks of reasonable size and merge changes to the database after each chunk. In this case, if the script crashes during processing, it will resume from the latest chunk. If the script has finished processing the index, processing will be skipped on restart since the iterator position is still persisted.


The testkit provides automated tools to test script fault tolerance for the Rust runtime.

Service Development


You can code Exonum services in Rust or Java. Rust has been chosen as probably the safest general-purpose programming language, but it is not very easy to master. To develop Exonum services in Java, use the Java Binding tool.

Here is a list of things to figure out when developing an Exonum service:

  • What types of actions will the service perform? What variable parameters do these actions have? (Determines the endpoints the service will have.)
  • Who will authorize each of these actions? (You might want to use some kind of public key infrastructure in order to make the security of the blockchain fully decentralized.)
  • What data will the service persist? What are the main persisted entities? How are these entities organized into data collections (maps and append-only lists)?
  • Are there any foreign key relationships among stored entities? (Exonum data model supports relationships among entities via hash links; see organization of wallet history in the Cryptocurrency Tutorial for more details.)
  • What persistent data will be returned to external clients? (You might want to use Merkelized data collections for this data and create corresponding read request endpoints.)
  • Are there any maintenance tasks needed for the service? Do the tasks need to be invoked automatically, or authorized by system administrators? (These tasks could be implemented in the block commit handler of the service, or as private API endpoints.)
  • What parameters do maintenance tasks require? Are these parameters local to each node that the service runs on, or do they need to be agreed by the blockchain maintainers? (The answer determines whether a parameter should be provided to the the service locally or stored in the blockchain.)


The Cryptocurrency Tutorial in Rust and the Vehicle Registry Tutorial in Java provide hands-on guides on building Exonum services.


There are some temporary limitations on what you can do with Exonum services. Please consult the Exonum roadmap on when and how these limitations are going to be lifted.

Interaction Among Services

Services may call each other’s transactions, but the support of such internal calls is limited so far. In particular, the internal calls are not isolated, meaning that the changes made to the database state in an internal call cannot be rolled back on an error unless the entire enclosing transaction errors.

Additionally, there is no IDL to describe service interface, which makes interaction among services written in different languages rather clunky.

No Unified Read Requests

Services may read each other’s schemas via publicly declared schema descriptions. For external clients, a different mechanism is used; a service may provide runtime-specific APIs to get service data. The unification of these two interfaces is one of roadmap goals.

Tips and Tricks

Communication with External World

Services may access the external world (read and write files from the filesystem, send / receive data on the network, and so on), but should do it only in the non-consensus code (i.e., code that is not executed during transaction execution). A good place for such code is the block commit handler.


The anchoring service implementation uses the block commit handler extensively to communicate with the Bitcoin Blockchain network.

Services vs Smart Contracts

Services are “larger” than smart contracts in Ethereum. For example, in Ethereum multi-signature contracts are instantiated for each specific configuration of participants; in Exonum, all multi-signature functionality can be contained within a single service. This makes services more manageable and improves performance and access control management.

Transaction Processing Peculiarities

When programming a service, you should keep in mind that the service can both process transactions in real time and retrospectively (for example, when a node performs an initial blockchain synchronization). This is another reason not to use non-blockchain data sources in the transaction processing code – it could be difficult to keep them synchronized at all times.

Furthermore, keep in mind that services may run on both validators and auditing nodes. Hence, a good idea is to make all secret information used in the local configuration (e.g., private keys) optional; then, it is kept in mind that a node running the service might not know this information.