Requests in Consensus Algorithm

Requests are used to obtain unknown information from nodes that signal the presence of such information via consensus messages (for example, via a message indicating a consensus algorithm epoch greater than the local epoch). The algorithm for generating and handling requests is an integral part of the Exonum consensus algorithm.


In the following description, +2/3 means more than two thirds of the validators number. For example, +2/3 Precommits means a set of valid Precommit messages, each of which is digitally signed by a different validator, and the size of the set is more than 2/3 of the validators number.


Auditors, along with validators, request information and respond to requests.

Learning from Consensus Messages

Receiving a consensus message from a node gives the message recipient an opportunity to learn certain information about the state of the message author (a node that has signed the message; the message author may differ from the peer that the message recipient got the message from), if the author is not Byzantine. The receiving node saves this information in the RequestState structure.

Any Consensus Message

  • The message author is at the epoch implied by the message.
  • The author has blocks corresponding to all lesser epochs.
  • The author has +2/3 Precommit messages for each of the previous blocks, and possibly for the latest block skip if a block skip was approved at the latest epoch.


  • The author has a proposal (Propose message) referenced by the Prevote message.
  • The author has all transactions mentioned in this proposal.
  • If the author indicates the lock_round in the message, it has +2/3 Prevote messages for this proposal in the locked_round or the round with a lower number.


  • The author has a proposal referenced by the Precommit message.
  • The author has all transactions mentioned in this proposal.
  • The author has +2/3 Prevote messages for this proposal in some round with a number equal to or lower than the round number mentioned in the Precommit.


  • It is possible to access the author by using the address + port mentioned in the message.

Request Messages

Exonum uses Protobuf as its serialization format for communication among full nodes. All messages in Exonum have a uniform structure with which they should comply.

According to the Exonum message structure, the consensus requests constitute a payload of the corresponding consensus messages.

Field Types

exonum.Hash, exonum.PublicKey

exonum.Hash and exonum.PublicKey types represent SHA-256 hashes and Ed25519 public keys and take 32 bytes.

uint32, uint64

uint32 and uint64 are non-negative integers of appropriate size (4 and 8 bytes).


exonum.BitVec is a bit vector containing as many bits as there are validators in the system.


string is a UTF-8 encoded text.


bytes is an arbitrary sequence of bytes.


Requests a Propose message from a node. It has the following fields:

  • to: exonum.PublicKey
    Public key of the node to which the request was sent.
  • epoch: uint64
    Epoch for which information is requested.
  • propose_hash: exonum.Hash
    Hash of the proposal for which information is requested.


Requests transactions from a node. It has the following fields:

  • to: exonum.PublicKey
    Public key of the node to which the request was sent.
  • txs: Array<exonum.Hash>
    List of the hashes of the requested transactions.


Requests Prevote messages from a node. It has the following fields:

  • to: exonum.PublicKey
    Public key of the node to which the request was sent.
  • epoch: uint64
    Epoch for which information is requested.
  • round: uint32
    Round number (at the epoch specified in epoch field) for which information is requested.
  • propose_hash: exonum.Hash
    Hash of the proposal for which information is requested.
  • validators: exonum.BitVec
    Each bit of this field indicates the need to send a Prevote message from the corresponding validator (if the bit value is 1, Prevote is requested; otherwise, Prevote is not needed). Indexing of the validator bits corresponds to indexing of validator public keys in the actual configuration.


Requests a committed block or a block skip from a node. It has the following fields:

  • to: exonum.PublicKey
    Public key of the node to which the request was sent.
  • height: uint64
    Height of the blockchain to retrieve.
  • epoch: uint64
    Epoch for which to retrieve a block skip as a fallback option. epoch = 0 is used to indicate that the sender is not interested in the fallback.


Requests Connect messages from a node. PeersRequest message is sent regularly with the timeout peers_timeout defined in the global configuration. It has the following fields:

  • to: PublicKey
    Public key of the node to which the request was sent.

Sending Requests

This algorithm determines the behavior of a node at different stages of the consensus algorithm if the node needs to request information from other nodes. The following subsections describe events that cause a specific response.

For each sent request, the node stores a RequestState structure, which includes the number of request attempts made and a list of nodes that should have the required information. RequestState for each request is placed into a hash map where the key is the identifier of the requested data (hash for Propose and Transactions, round and hash
for Prevotes, height and epoch for Block). When the requested information is obtained, the node deletes the RequestState for the corresponding request (cancels the request).

A node sets a timeout for each sent request. The timeout is implemented as a message to this node itself. This message is queued and processed when it reaches its queue. Timeout deletion (cancelling timeout) means its deletion from the message queue.

Cancelling a request means cancelling the corresponding timeout as well.

Receiving Transaction

If the received transaction is the last one required for a known Propose, cancel the corresponding TransactionsRequest.

Receiving Consensus Message from a Greater Epoch

  • Update info about the epoch on the corresponding node.
  • Send BlockRequest for the current epoch to the message author, if such a request was not sent earlier.

All events below are applicable only if the epoch of the message is the same as the validator’s epoch.

Receiving Propose

  • If this Propose has been requested, cancel the request. The list of nodes that should have all transactions mentioned in the Propose message is copied from the RequestState before its deletion to request missing transactions, if necessary.
  • If certain transactions from the Propose are not known, send TransactionsRequest to the author of Propose. If the author of Propose does not provide information on the missing transactions, send TransactionsRequest to the remaining nodes in the RequestState.

Receiving Prevote

  • If the node does not have the corresponding Propose, send ProposeRequest to the author of Prevote.
  • If the sender specified lock_round, which is greater than the stored
    Proof-of-Lock (PoL), send PrevotesRequest for the locked proposal to the author of Prevote.
  • If the node has received +2/3 Prevote messages for the same proposal and round, cancel PrevotesRequest for Prevote messages corresponding to this proposal (if they were requested earlier).

Receiving Precommit

  • If the node does not have a corresponding Propose, send ProposeRequest to the author of Precommit.
  • If the message corresponds to a larger round than the saved PoL, send PrevotesRequest for this round to the author of Precommit.
  • If the node has received +2/3 Precommit messages for the same proposal, cancel the corresponding PrecommitRequest(if it was sent earlier).

Receiving BlockResponse

  • Request the following block in the blockchain from the node (if one exists) which is known to have blocks at a greater blockchain height.
  • Alternatively, if there are nodes with the same height and greater epoch, send BlockRequest to one of them.
  • Update current epoch / height after committing the block locally.
  • Cancel BlockRequest for the epoch at which the block has just been committed.

Peers Timeout

Send a PeersRequest request to a random peer (auditor or validator) from the list of known peers specified in local configuration.

Move to New Epoch

Cancel all requests.

Request Timeout

  • Delete the node, to which the request was sent, from the list of nodes that should have the requested data.
    This list is a part of the RequestState structure.
  • If the list of nodes having the data to be requested is empty, cancel the request.
  • Otherwise, make one more request attempt to another node from the list of nodes that should have the requested data and start a new timer.

Requests Processing

This algorithm determines the processing of different types of request messages received by a node.


  • If the message corresponds to an epoch that is not equal to the current epoch of the node, ignore the message.
  • If the node has Propose with the corresponding hash at the given epoch, send it.


Send all transactions the node has from those that were requested, as separate messages. Transactions can either be already committed or be in the pool of unconfirmed transactions.


  • If the message does not match the epoch at which the node is, ignore the message.
  • Send as individual messages all the corresponding Prevotes except those that the requestor has.


BlockResponse message is sent as the response. Which block or block skip is sent, depends on the following rules:

  • If the epoch is set to 0, it is a block at the specified height.
  • If the epoch != 0, it is a block at the specified height (if it is known to the node), or the latest block skip with the epoch greater or equal to the epoch mentioned in the message.


Send all the saved Connect messages from peers to the requestor.