Consensus Algorithm Specification

This article contains the specification of the consensus algorithm in Exonum.

Consensus algorithm in Exonum is the process of reaching an agreement about the order of transactions and the result of their execution in presence of Byzantine faults and partially synchronous network. While executing the consensus algorithm, nodes exchange consensus messages authenticated with public-key crypto. These messages are processed via a message queue and determine transitions of nodes among states. The output of the consensus algorithm is a sequence of blocks of transactions, which is guaranteed to be identical for all honest nodes in the network.


See algorithm overview and list of assumptions for more details.


The definitions from the general description of the consensus algorithm are used. In particular, +2/3 means more than two thirds of the validators, and -1/3 means less than one third.


The consensus algorithm occurs in epochs. During each epoch nodes can agree on one of the following types of outcomes:

  • Apply a block of transactions. The nodes need to agree on the ordering of transactions, their effect on the blockchain state and errors that occurred during execution. Besides transactions, hooks for active services are executed before and after transactions.

  • Skip block creation on this epoch, instead approving a block skip. Block skips are similar to empty blocks, but they do not entail executing any calls. Thus, the blockchain state is unaffected after a block skip (or any number of successive block skips).

An epoch is represented by non-negative integer, which is incremented by one each time a decision is made by the network. Note that this integer may differ from the blockchain height; the epoch is always greater or equal to the height.

Applying a block increases the blockchain height by one. The block is permanently recorded into the node storage. In contrast, applying a block skip does not increase the blockchain height. The node stores only the latest block skip, overwriting it if a skip is approved at the same blockchain height and the greater epoch. If the network approves a normal block, a stored block skip (if any) is erased by the node.


The consensus algorithm proceeds in rounds for each epoch. Rounds are numbered from 1 and are not synchronized among nodes.

The onsets of rounds are determined by the following timetable. The first round starts after committing a normal block or a block skip at the previous epoch. The second round starts within first_round_timeout interval, The value of which can be configured via consensus configuration. All further round timeouts are calculated according to the following formula:

first_round_timeout + (r - 1) * round_timeout_increase

Here, round_timeout_increase is 10% of the first_round_timeout.

Thus, the duration of rounds gradually increases. This provides the network with more time every round to make a decision on a new block.

Pool of Unconfirmed Transactions

Each node has a set of transactions that have not yet been added to the blockchain. This set is called pool of unconfirmed transactions. In general, the pools of unconfirmed transactions are different for different nodes. If necessary, the nodes can request unknown transactions from other nodes.


A set of +2/3 Prevote messages for the same proposal from the nodes at the current round and epoch is called Proof-of-Lock (PoL). Nodes store PoL as a part of the node state. The node can have no more than one stored PoL.

A PoL is greater than the recorded one (has a higher priority), in the following cases:

  • There is no PoL recorded.
  • The recorded PoL corresponds to a proposal with a smaller round.

Thus, PoLs are partially ordered. A node must replace the stored PoL with a greater PoL if it is collected by the node during message processing.

Configuration Parameters

  • max_propose_timeout
    Initial proposal timeout after a new block is committed to the blockchain.

  • propose_timeout_threshold
    If the amount of transactions in the pool of unconfirmed transactions of a node is larger than the propose_timeout_threshold value, the node switches from max_propose_timeout to min_propose_timeout, i.e. generates blocks faster, and vice versa.

  • min_propose_timeout The proposal timeout for the case when the amount of transactions in the pool of unconfirmed transactions is larger than propose_timeout_threshold value.

  • first_round_timeout
    Interval between the first and the second rounds of the consensus algorithm. This parameter is used to estimate timeouts for further consensus rounds. The estimation formula is first_round_timeout + (r - 1) * round_timeout_increase, where round_timeout_increase is 10% of the first_round_timeout.

  • status_timeout
    Interval between Status message broadcasts.


These parameters are a part of the global configuration. They can be adjusted with the help of the supervisor service.

Node State Variables

  • current_height
    Current blockchain height (i.e., the number of blocks in it).

  • current_epoch
    Current epoch of the consensus algorithm.

  • queued
    Queue for consensus messages (Propose, Prevote, Precommit) from a future epoch or round.

  • proposes
    Hash map with known block proposals.

  • locked_round
    Round when the node has locked on a proposal. 0 if the node is not locked.

  • current_round
    Current round (1-based).

  • locked_propose
    Propose on which the node is locked. May be undefined.

  • state_hash
    Hash of the blockchain state.

Consensus Messages

The consensus algorithm uses the following types of messages: Propose, Prevote, Precommit, Status, BlockResponse.

The following fields are present in all messages:

  • validator_id
    Index of a validator in the validators list in the global configuration.

  • epoch
    Epoch of the consensus algorithm to which the message is related.

  • round
    Round to which the message is related.

  • hash
    Hash of the message.

Propose and BlockResponse messages have the following additional field:

  • prev_hash
    Hash of the previous block in the blockchain.

Prevote messages have the following additional field:

  • locked_round
    Round in which the author of the message has locked on the proposal which is referenced by the message. If the author is not locked on any proposal, the locked_round field is 0.


A node that is locked on a proposal must send Prevotes only for the proposal it is locked on. Thus, locked_round in Prevotes sent by a node is always equal to locked_round from its state.

Prevote and Precommit messages have the following additional fields:

  • propose_hash
    Hash of the Propose message corresponding to this message.

Precommit messages have the following additional fields:

  • state_hash
    Hash of the blockchain state after the execution of all transactions in the Propose referenced by the Precommit.
  • time
    Local time of the validator during Precommit generation. This field does not influence the validity of the Precommit; rather, it is used by light clients to check whether responses from full nodes correspond to the current state of the blockchain.

Algorithm Stages

The algorithm proceeds in stages, transitions among which are triggered by incoming messages and timeouts.

  • Full proposal
    Occurs when the node gets complete info about some proposal and all the transactions from the proposal.
  • Availability of +2/3 Prevotes
    Occurs when the node collects +2/3 Prevote messages from the same round for the same known proposal.
  • Lock
    Occurs when the node replaces the stored PoL (or collects its first PoL for the current_epoch).
  • Commit
    Occurs when the node collects +2/3 Precommit messages for the same round for the same known proposal. Corresponds to the Commit node state.

The steps performed at each stage are described below.

Message Processing

Nodes use a message queue based on the tokio library for message processing. Incoming requests and consensus messages are placed in the queue when they are received. The same queue is used for processing timeouts. Timeouts are implemented as messages looped to the node itself.

Messages from the next epoch (i.e., current_epoch + 1) or from a future round are placed into a separate queue (queued).


Transaction Processing

  • If the transaction is already committed, ignore it.
  • If the transaction is already in the pool of unconfirmed transactions, ignore it.
  • Add the transaction to the pool of unconfirmed transactions.
  • For every known proposal propose where this transaction is included:

    • Exclude the hash of this transaction from the list of unknown transactions for the propose.
    • If the number of unknown transactions for the proposal becomes zero, proceed to Full proposal state for propose.

Consensus Messages Processing

  • Do not process the message if it belongs to a future round or epoch. In this case:

    • If the message refers to the epoch current_epoch + 1, add the message to the queued queue.
    • If the message is related to a future epoch and updates the knowledge of the node about the current epoch of the message author, save this information according to the requests algorithm.
  • If the message refers to a past epoch, ignore it.

  • If the message refers to the current epoch and any round not higher than the current one, then:

    • Check that the validator_id specified in the message is less than the total number of validators.
    • Check the message signature against the public key of the validator with the validator_id index.
  • If verification is successful, proceed to the message processing according to its type.


Consensus messages can lead to sending request(s) based on the information in the message. Requests are used to obtain information unknown to the node, but known to its peers. This part of message processing is described in the Requests article and is only marginally touched upon here.


Arguments: propose.

  • If propose.hash is already present in the proposes hash map (i.e., the message has been processed previously), ignore the message.
  • Check propose.prev_hash correctness.
  • Check that the specified validator is the leader for the given round.
  • Check that the proposal does not contain previously committed transactions (Propose messages contain only hashes of transactions, so absence of hashes in the table of committed transactions is checked).
  • Add the proposal to the proposes hash map.
  • Request missing information based on the message.
  • If all transactions in the proposal are known, go to Full proposal.


Arguments: prevote.

  • Add prevote to the list of known Prevote messages for the given proposal in prevote.round.
  • If:

    • the node has formed +2/3 Prevote messages for the same round and propose_hash
    • locked_round < prevote.round
    • the node knows a Propose message referenced by this prevote
    • the node knows all the transactions from the Propose
  • Then proceed to Availability of +2/3 Prevotes for the referenced Propose message in prevote.round.

  • Request missing information based on the message.


Arguments: precommit.

  • Add the message to the list of known Precommits for propose_hash in this round with the given state_hash.
  • If:

    • the node has formed +2/3 Precommits for the same round, propose_hash and state_hash
    • the node knows the Propose referenced by propose_hash
    • the node knows all the transactions in this Propose
  • Then:

    • Execute the proposal, if it has not yet been executed.
    • Check that state_hash of the node coincides with the state_hash in the Precommits. If not, stop working and signal about an unrecoverable error.
    • Proceed to Commit for this block.
  • Else:


Arguments: block.


BlockResponse messages are requested by validators if they see a consensus message belonging to a future blockchain height or epoch. BlockResponse messages are not a part of an ordinary consensus message workflow for nodes at the latest epoch.

  • Check the BlockResponse message:

    • The key in the to field must match the key of the node.
    • block.prev_hash must match the hash of the latest committed block.
    • If the returned value is a normal block, its height must equal the current height of the node. If the returned value is a block skip, its height must equal the previous height (i.e., current_height - 1) and its epoch must be greater than current_epoch.
    • The number of Precommit messages from different validators must be sufficient to reach consensus.
    • All Precommit messages must be correct.
  • If the checks are successful, then check all transactions in the block for correctness. If some transactions are incorrect, stop working and signal about an unrecoverable error.

  • Execute all transactions. If the hash of the blockchain state after the execution diverges from that in the Block message, stop working and signal about an unrecoverable error.

  • Add the block to the blockchain and move to a new epoch. Set the value of the variable locked_round at the new epoch to 0 .

  • Request missing information based on the message.

Timeout Processing

Round Timeout

  • If the timeout does not match the current epoch and round, skip further timeout processing.
  • Add a timeout for the Nth round with the length first_round_timeout * (1 + (N - 1) * q), where q = 0.1 is the relative increase in a timeout after each round.
  • Process all messages from queued that have become relevant (their round and epoch coincide with the current ones).
  • If the node has a saved PoL, send a Prevote for locked_propose in the new round, and proceed to Availability of +2/3 Prevotes.
  • Else, if the node is a leader, form and send Propose and Prevote messages (after expiration of propose_timeout, if the node has just moved to a new epoch).

Status Timeout

  • If the epoch of the node has not increased since the timeout was set, then broadcast a Status message to all peers.
  • Add a timeout for the next Status broadcast (its length is specified by status_timeout).

Stage Processing

Full Proposal

Arguments: propose, all transactions in which are known.

  • If the node does not have a saved PoL, send a Prevote message in the round to which the proposal belongs.
  • For each round r in the interval [max(locked_round + 1, propose.round), current_round]:

  • For each round r in the interval [propose.round, current_round]:

    • If +2/3 Precommits are available for propose in r and with the same state_hash, then:

      • Execute the proposal, if it has not yet been executed.
      • Check that the node’s state_hash after applying transactions in propose coincides with the state_hash in the aforementioned +2/3 Precommits. If not, stop working and signal about an unrecoverable error.
      • Proceed to Commit for this block.

Availability of +2/3 Prevotes

Arguments: shared propose_hash and round of the collected +2/3 Prevotes.

  • If locked_round of the node is less than prevote.round and the hash of the locked Propose message is the same as propose_hash in the collected Prevotes, then proceed to Lock for the latter Propose message.


  • For each round r in the interval [locked_round, current_round]:

    • If the node has not sent Prevote in r, send it for locked_propose with the locked_round specified as the locked_round in the node state.
    • If the node has formed +2/3 Prevotes in r, then change locked_round to current_round, locked_propose to propose.hash (propose corresponds to +2/3 Prevotes in r).
    • If the node did not send Prevote for any other proposal except locked_propose in subsequent rounds after locked_round, then:

      • Execute the proposal, if it has not yet been executed.
      • Send Precommit for locked_propose in current_round.
      • If the node has +2/3 Precommits for the same round with the same propose_hash and state_hash, then proceed to Commit.


Arguments: block or block skip (i.e., a proposal with all known transactions, and the state_hash resulting from the execution of all transactions in the proposal).

  • Store the block.
  • Push all the transactions from the block to the table of committed transactions.
  • Increment current_epoch. If the block is a normal block, increment current_height.
  • Set the value of the variable locked_round to 0 at the new epoch.
  • Delete all transactions of the committed block from the pool of unconfirmed transactions.
  • If the node is the leader, form and send Propose and Prevote messages after propose_timeout expiration.
  • Process all messages from the queued that have become relevant (their round and epoch coincide with the current ones).
  • Add a timeout for the next round.



Formal proof of the following properties is proven in a separate white paper.


The white paper does not consider block skips. While adding other possible consensus outcomes does not influence safety and liveness arguments, it could adversely affect chain quality.


  • Digital signature scheme used in the algorithm is secure (i.e., signatures cannot be forged)
  • Network is partially synchronous (i.e., all messages are delivered in finite, but a priori unknown time)
  • Less than 1/3 of validators act Byzantine (i.e., in an arbitrary way, including being offline, having arbitrary hardware and/or software issues or being compromised, possibly in a coordinated effort to break the system)

Then the algorithm described above has the following properties:

  • Safety
    If an honest node adds a block to the blockchain, then no other honest node can add a different block, confirmed with +2/3 Precommit messages, to the blockchain at the same epoch.

  • Liveness
    At any point in time, a block will be committed eventually by an honest node in the future. In other words, the transaction processing won’t stall.

  • Weak form of chain quality
    1 block out of any F + 1 (where F is one third of the validators) sequentially committed blocks is guaranteed to be proposed by non-Byzantine validators. This can provide a certain degree of censorship resistance (any correct transaction broadcasted to every validator will be committed eventually).